Of all the signs and symbols
Jesus might have used
as a remembrance of his death,
he chose bread and wine.
No impressionistic brush strokes,
no detailed sculpture,
no soaring symphony,
no poem or novel,
no Hollywood blockbuster --
although all of these have,
at one time or another,
portrayed the Passion of Christ.
But Jesus chose
bread and wine,
the work of human hands.
We break bread to remember
his broken body.
We share the cup of wine to remember
his blood poured out for us.
Simple. Powerful.
And totally unforgettable.
As profound in that Upper Room
as it is at St. Peter’s in Rome.
As impressive at a sports arena youth liturgy
as it is in a tent chapel on the battlefields of Iraq.
As meaningful at a hospital bedside
as it is at the parish down the street.
Wherever we celebrate the Eucharist,
whatever the circumstances,
it is Jesus that we recognize
in the breaking of the bread.
This is my body
which will be given up for you.
This is the cup of my blood,
the blood of the new and everlasting covenant.
So that sins may be forgiven!
Do this in memory of me.
The mystery of our faith!
Bread and wine.
Jesus Christ our Lord.
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