Sunday, January 5, 2020


Mystery of life. 
In youth 
you think you’ll live forever. 
You blaze a trail. 
You yearn. You live. 
Decades pass, 
the unexpected and unplanned 
become your life, a gift of love. 
Grateful. So very grateful. 

Mystery of death. 
Life crashes down 
as friends from youth are taken 
way too soon. 
You shake your head. 
You mourn. You pray. 
Time’s a thief, 
so unexpected and unplanned. 
Yet death cannot destroy your love. 
Still grateful. So very grateful. 

-Ken Canedo, January 2020 
as I mourn the recent unexpected loss 
of two high school friends, 
Michael Milas and Tony Smith,
Queen of Angels Seminary, Class of 1970. 
God rest their souls. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ken...I am moved by Phillipians 1:3-4 "I thank my God everytime I remember you. I always pray with joy...."
    I share your sentiments and grief


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